3 mai 2024

Declarațiile ministrului afacerilor externe Bogdan Aurescu înaintea reuniunii Consiliului Afaceri Externe de la Bruxelles

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Ministerul Afacerilor Externe prezintă mai jos transcrierea declarației susținute de către ministrul afacerilor externe Bogdan Aurescu înaintea începerii reuniunii de astăzi, 20 februarie 2023, a miniștrilor afacerilor externe ai statelor membre ale Uniunii Europene – Consiliul Afaceri Externe (CAE), care se desfășoară la Bruxelles.

Declarația în format video, în limba engleză, este disponibilă AICI.

Transmitem, în continuare, transcrierea declarației ministrului Bogdan Aurescu în limba engleză:

Good morning! We have, again, a very-very important meeting today of the Foreign Affairs Council and, for Romania, the most important topics are, of course, Ukraine, because we are approaching the one-year mark since the start of the war of Russia against Ukraine, but also the discussion with the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Moldova, a topic which was introduced on the agenda following my proposal.

As far as Ukraine is concerned, I think the most important message of today’s meeting is that the European Union and its member states will stand by Ukraine and will continue to support Ukraine, as long as it takes, in order for Ukraine to win the war.

I will express today full support for a swift adoption of the 10th package of sanctions, for the continuation of the support through the European Peace Facility.

At the same time, I think it is very important that, at the end of this week, in New York, we will be able to adopt, with a large majority, the Resolution in the General Assembly about the Peace in Ukraine. And I think it’s important to have a large majority in order to have legitimacy for this approach.

At the same time, Romania will continue its support for Ukraine, which is a multidimensional one.

As far as the Republic of Moldova is concerned, and as far as Romania is concerned, this topic and this discussion are very timely, and that is why I have suggested to include this topic on the agenda. Because we have a new Government in Chișinău, a Government which is strongly committed to reform and to the European integration of the country.

But, at the same time, we have seen, as mentioned by the President of the Republic of Moldova, the unveiled plans for the destabilization of the country, by Russia, and I think it is extremely important that the European Union conveys today, through the Foreign Ministers, a strong message of support for the resilience and for the security of the Republic of Moldova.

In that connection, I will suggest, for reflection and for legal analysis, the proposal of creating a separate sanctions regime for attempts to destabilize the Republic of Moldova, its constitutional order and its rule of law.

At the same time, I think it is very important that today the Council expresses strong support in terms of creating a new mission, a new EU civilian mission in the Republic of Moldova, and continuing the support for the interconnections, as far as the electricity lines are concerned, with EU through Romania. At the same time, to continue to support the Republic of Moldova on the path towards European integration and, last but not least, to continue to grant financial assistance to the Republic of Moldova, especially through grants, because the Republic of Moldova needs such financial support now.

I would like only to mention the fact that the instrument that we have created last year, together with the Foreign Ministers of Germany and France, the Moldova Support Platform, is a very important instrument and we continue using it – a fourth such meeting of the Platform being organized by Chișinău in April.

Thank you so much.
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